Adria Security Summit powered by Intersec Returns to Zagreb as a Timely and Welcome Guest

Having heralded the recovery of security and related industries with the latest live edition of the Adria Security Summit powered by Intersec in Belgrade, it’s time for the Summit to go west, again. This is why Adria Security Summit powered by Intersec 2022 returns to the Croatian capital of Zagreb on October 5-6 2022. This time, the venue is the Zagreb Fair complex, Pavilion 7. On this occasion, the Summit will serve as a business hub for both companies from the Adriatic region as well as for those hailing from other parts of the globe.
During this two-day event, we want to, once again, contribute to speeding up the recovery of the regional and global security and other industries and promote networking, the exchange of experiences and expertise, as well as the forging of new business alliances.
Yes, all of those features that the Adria Security Summit has become known for as a regional and a continental B2B hub. The specific benefits provided by the Summit include contributing to the business performance of regional companies, supporting the entrance and expansion of global companies in the local markets, and boosting the foreign investments made by international companies in the sectors we cover.
This is why we are expecting to see more than 100 exhibitors from the region and the rest of the globe, and 3000+ participants, 3000+ meetings, and 20+ media and strategic partners we have had so far. We want to turn these pluses into seals of quality of our event that has so far branched beyond the borders of security into the equally important worlds of IoT, ICT, smart solutions, and other disruptive and emerging technologies.
The organizer of the Summit is a&s Adria magazine, with the support of the Messe Frankfurt company. It is a monthly publication whose articles cover many cutting-edge topics that come to prominence as part of the live events we organize. Our participants read it to stay up-to-date with the latest in security and related industries.
This is why we are inviting you to keep a watchful eye on all news relevant to the coming Adria Security Summit 2022 in Zagreb, as a place at which we will celebrate our industries and push them forward with smart business networking and the promotion of innovation.
Stay tuned and regularly check our website for more information. Information is readily available at