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Public Address and Voice Alarm

Najave II Public Address and Voice Alarm Software

Bosch presents the PRA-SCS Small System Controller

The PRAESENSA public address and voice alarm system gets a new controller option, the PRA-SCS Small System Controller. This cost-effective alternative allows for optimization of the PRAESENSA system components to meet specific project needs, improving operational efficiency and reducing overall system cost. Particularly suited for mid-sized applications, the PRA-SCS Small
Fire Systems Public Address and Voice Alarm Software

Choosing the Go-to Fire System for Smaller Businesses

Businesses in Europe need to ensure they comply with fire alarm regulations. But for smaller businesses which don’t require multi-panel systems and sophisticated programming, what are the options? Vladimir Zrnic, European Sales Manager at Advanced, explains. An appropriate fire protection system is essential for any business to ensure that occupants are kept safe in the
Public Address and Voice Alarm Software

Plug and broadcast

TOA’s new horn speaker uses IP audio and common industry standards to make Public Address (PA) as easy as possible Looking at the rather unassuming IP-A1SC15 loudspeaker from the Japanese audio specialists TOA, you wouldn’t guess the number of features this product has to offer. For the sake of accuracy, the product description would have […]