While the sales campaign for the next edition of SICUREZZA continues, a busy schedule of initiatives and opportunities for professional development, organised in collaboration with specialised editors and associations, is about to be finalised.
Milan, 8 June 2017 – The sales campaign for SICUREZZA 2017 (at Fiera Milano, from 15 to 17 November 2017) is proceeding smoothly. At five months to the inauguration, the event already counts over 250 direct companies occupying the historical pavilions 5 and 7 while the third one (Pav. 3) is growing.
In addition to the exhibitors’ offering, SICUREZZA has always stood out for its content, thanks to its extensive network of partners. Its success is due to the quality of the training and updating programme and to the numerous initiatives that will highlight the changes in progress and promote topics of particular interest for the industry.
This edition will feature new events and confirm other successful ones to keep operators up-to-date with some important topics for the industry’s competitiveness.
This year, SICUREZZA 2017 has expanded its offering based on the market evolution, increasingly in balance between integration and contamination, and offers a more representative vision of the various security branches.
In 2017, the focus will be on an important and current topic: fire-fighting, from the detection of fire to its suppression. The exhibition area set up in collaboration with UMAN – Italian Association of Security and Fire-fighting Companies federated ANIMA/CONFINDUSTRIA – will collect the latest innovations on the market to promote professionals’ development and training. A place where technicians, fire-fighting and service operators, consultants, representatives of professional associations, companies, and the academic world can meet up and exchange views. An opportunity to keep up-to date and learn more about technology and fire suppression-related solutions, technical aspects, regulations, and talk about the main issues.
SICUREZZA has always paid special attention to topics such as connectivity and digitisation. Thant’s why, this year, for the first time, the event will take place simultaneously with SMART BUILDING EXPO, a project resulting from an agreement between Pentastudio – communication and marketing agency specialising in the industry of new telecommunication technologies – and Fiera Milano. The aim of this agreement is to provide an overview of the new all digital smart building concept. The evolution of this system and all related services will be showcased in an area dedicated to system integration: from connectivity to the integration with new electrical systems, from entertainment based on interaction, on-demand, and high audio-video definition, up to control systems that allow for energy efficiency. Interesting workshops will provide information on the new regulations in force and high-performance systems and will dig into public and private sectors, focusing especially on Italy’s excellence.
With the new privacy regulation, which entered into force just recently, the security market and its professionals will be forced to make some adjustments. Therefore, they must be aware of how this can affect the video surveillance sector and to which extend it will involve installers, designers, and all the companies of the industry. Ethos Media Group – editor of the magazine a&s Italy – will talk about this important issue at SICUREZZA 2017. A dedicated arena will include a busy schedule of meetups, alternating a comedy atmosphere to talk light-heartedly about risks and make them understandable to a wider audience, with a more academic and institutional one. Audit privacy is this year’s brand new initiative. Visitors and exhibitors can obtain (free of charge and directly at the fair) a preliminary verification in compliance with the company’s privacy policy and with the new European Regulation, which will enter into force on 25 May 2018 together with the penalty package. The initiative will be coordinated by Ethos Academy, which has created a team of independent expert professionals – Ethos Academy Network – selected for their high professionalism and multidisciplinary approach. The network includes well-established Italian and international senior consultants and junior consultants selected among brilliant professionals specialising in IT and legal disciplines. After every audit, the network will issue the report result to the interested person.
If IoT, smart cities, smart buildings, smart mobility, M2M, Industry 4.0, cyber attacks, and privacy are today’s main topics, S News’ talk shows will provide, for the first time at SICUREZZA, a new interpretation, which investigates their correlations, analysing the risks, possible weaknesses, and inevitable threats. Being aware of what lies behind the evolution of these systems will help us provide suitable protection systems and protect data, people, cities, and the entire system. Experts of the industry, both public and private, consultants, and managers will talk about these topics.
Nowadays, we often hear expressions like Smart City and Safe City. But are we using them appropriately? These two expressions define two abstract yet important concepts for the quality of life in urban centres and, often, for the inhabitants’ survival. Essecome/securindex will reveal at SICUREZZA 2017 the results of the Observatory on the implementation of Smart & Safe City models in Italy. With the participation of the industrial segments involved and the collaboration with university research institutes and certification bodies, the Observatory has measured the level of implementation of the international certification – ISO 37120 – proposed by the administrations of cities and regions involved in the project.
At SICUREZZA 2017, there will be time to talk about important market trends, which require a more in-depth insight.
Riding on the wave of the growing integration between ICT and security, the Village event, organised by the magazine Digitalic, has reached its third edition. A dedicated area in which important IT international players and partners of Digitalic will present the most innovative solutions in terms of cyber security products, video surveillance, IoT, storage, and connectivity.
These elements have become an essential instrument to control the territory and manage safety on roads and during special events. SICUREZZA 2017 will focus on drones within SICUREZZA Drone Expo. The initiative, organised for the second year by Mediarkè, will be dedicated to UAVs (Unmanned aerial vehicle), focusing especially on their use for Security and Safety purposes: criminal investigations, intelligence, civil protection, surveillance of migration flows, control of critical infrastructures and big events, protection of artistic heritage, monitoring of landslides and forest fires. Important Italian and international companies and UAV flight schools will participate in the dedicated exhibition area, where it will be possible to see drones at work. It will be an opportunity to see some models used by law enforcement, local police, private security firms, fire brigade, and Italian Red Cross for rescue interventions in areas hit by natural disasters.
Security in shops, shopping centres, and retail distribution is a current topic that involves not only industry operators but also the public. To meet this demand, essecome/ has contributed to establish the Associazione Laboratorio per la Sicurezza (Security Laboratory Association), which gathers retail security professional and aims at becoming a point of reference for the distribution world and defining general standards and regulations. The Laboratory will participate in SICUREZZA 2017 within the Security for Retail event. The third edition of this event will be dedicated to security solutions in commerce and large retailers. It will be an opportunity for retail professionals and technology producers to exchange their views and get an overview of tailor-made outlet solutions and dedicated vertical solutions. In brief, it will be the place where new ideas meet new requirements.