Healthcare Video Surveillance

ZKTeco Adds Body Temperature Screening & Mask Detection features to Security Solutions

Security and access control management company ZKTeco, top leading multinational manufacturer of biometric market, has recently incorporated to some of its access control readers, IP surveillance cameras and walk-through metal detectors some upgrades to now have body temperature screening and mask detection capabilities.

Now that critical period of COVID19 is nearly ending, still much of the global population remains socially isolated to prevent the spread of disease. The question is how to return back to certain normality and of course how to return to work after lockdown, regardless of how this reincorporation is going to be scaled, one thing is for sure, we have to be cautious not to reignite infections rate and that means we have to return to our physical working places counting with the necessary measures to avoid spreading risk of contagion. For that, there are three basic guidelines we need to follow: social distancing and no contact, everyone must wear masks and regular check for symptoms.

In words of ZKTeco’s Europe CEO, Fernando Ducay, “Our newly released security solutions with body temperature detection have become a real ‘need to have’ especially in recent times, as they help identifying and restrict people having elevated body temperatures from entering large highly dense public places including schools, hospitals, as well as commercial & residential properties” . Not only that he added “Besides securing people’s environment, we would like to also protect their health and do our best to prevent the spread of the coronavirus”

At ZKTeco we made an effort to deliver new capabilities to our solutions that respond to the rules enforced due to the coronavirus pandemic, adding the necessary features like temperature screening and mask detection to our security solutions to grant compliance with such guidelines and permit returning to normal functionating while keeping our people and business safe and secure preventing outbreak of disease.

More flexible working helps to maintain social distance and no contact. For example, flexible clock-in and clock-out time to prevent too many people from entering and leaving the office building at the same time or smart working, activities that can be monitored on site or remotely with our cloud time and attendance solution called GoTimeCloud.

So, what about controlling access of people not wearing mask or having a body temperature measurement over recommended? No contact and body temperature measurement are granted with our Touchless Biometric devices.

ZKTeco recently took a deeper step into the facial recognition market with the launch of its new series of visible light facial recognition (VLFR) products. The company says VLFR overcomes the shortcomings of previous facial recognition products and uses deep learning to improve recognition and reliability, and it is far better at catching fake faces. The deep learning systems deals with the lighting situation, the not 100% dead-straight images of faces, as well as spoofing. By passing its recognition software through ‘continuous training’, it has been able to enhance the performance of its recognition algorithms to a stage where it is now ready for real-world use.

The VLFR system ZKTeco developed beats fake faces through its anti-spoofing algorithm, which conducts liveness detection by learning how to differentiate lighting, texture, and resolution. The system also uses two cameras. One is a visual light camera that is used for recognition and verification, the other is an infrared camera used to detect fake faces. People who try to verify a fake identity by using a picture on paper or on their phone or tablet, for example, will quickly find their access is denied. Even using a high-definition video of a face will not be accepted. The utility of these systems is in the flexibility of the verification process, people can be recognized ‘on the move’ as they approach the point of entry. The VLFR system will detect their face and track and identify them as they approach. It is also able to recognize an enrolled face with a deflection angle of 30% – left to right, and up and down. It can detect and recognize faces, more than one at a time, and it can also capture faces in a certain area, for example at a sporting event or in retail environments.

Thanks to the incorporation of thermal sensors and improvements developed in firmware, our access control readers’ facial recognition capabilities are also able to identify individuals wearing protective masks — for example, healthcare workers — allowing them to safely keep the masks on during the biometric verification process, in addition to their touchless palm and facial recognition sensors — capable of detecting a person’s body temperature within 0.3/0.5ºC deviation range from 0,5 m away, allowing them to be used for entry and exit screening in public venues where an abnormal body temperature could be an indicator of COVID19 and therefore warrant restricting access to an individual who may be showing symptoms. Installers have a wide range of possibilities for installing them, as they are suitable for almost any support: on wall or desktop, integrated to turnstiles and speed gates or simply with a pedestal on floor.

Not only that, ZKTeco’s ZN-T5/W IP surveillance camera, which has both thermal and visible light capabilities, when paired with the ZN-TH01 — which uses black body radiation technology for recalibration — can read the body temperature of a group of up to 30 people from up to 5 meters away, with an accuracy within 0,3º degrees Centigrade.

Rounding out ZKTeco’s solutions that have temperature sensors is the ZKMD3180-TD walk-through metal detector, which scans people for both metal objects and a body temperature that falls within a specified ‘safe’ range. Audio and visual alarms sound to indicate when an individual with a body temperature that falls outside of the accepted parameters walks through the device.

To complete upgrade of our access control and time and attendance systems with temperature measurement and mask detection feature, a new module has been added to our existing software for access control, ZKBioaccess and ZKBiosecurity, and the functionality also has been incorporated in our cloud time and attendance application GoTimeCloud, so that, reports can show temperature status and the use of mask associated to every log and confirm if entrance is granted or not.
Let us get a closer view of mentioned solutions.

Temperature Detection Systems available
ProfaceX-T and V5L-TD are designed for traditional access control and time and attendance tasks. Both have anti-spoofing algorithm so, no video no picture will work and of course are 100% Touchless Access. The Rapid facial recognition within 0.3 sg. Work even in total darkness or bright sunlight (<50,000 Lux). Face verification is also possible while wearing protective mask and temperature measurement is extremely accurate with measurement deviation of ±0.3°C average performance and measurement deviation of ±0.5°C, without the need of a black body since the sensor is thermocouple based. Measurement distance comes from 30 to 50 cm.

Then, which are the differences between these two devices? Proface X we can say is big brother of these device family, showing more capacity in general. We are very proud to say is the The Govies Government Security 2020 Platinium Awarded thanks to its unbeatable features.

ZKMD3180S, our metal detector with temperature sensor, is available with 18 or 33 over-lapping detection zones and sensitivity for each zone is adjustable in increments 0-255. The unit is easy to assemble as there are only 2 pieces to be mounted. Infrared remote control and 4-8 hours backup battery are optionally available. The sound & LED alarms located on both sides indicate clearly where metal is detected. Automatically counts people and alarms and it is completely safe to operate and walk through as well as completely harmless to heart pacemaker, pregnant women, magnetic media, etc. Body temperature detection average performance measurement is by ±0.3°C and accuracy measurement deviation is ±0.5°C for a measurement distance up to 50cm.

ZN-T5/W & TH-01 ZKTeco’s Body Temperature Measurement Network Camera & Portable Black Body is the perfect solution when temperature needs to be detected at a longer distance and for more than one individual at the same time. Our cameras of course ONVIF compatible are featuring smart body detection and body temperature measurement for up to 30 individuals. Main characteristics of the system are on-board temp-detection algorithm, one IP address two channels, effective pixels 400×300, sensitivity ≤40mK, thermal: 8mm fixed lens and visible: 2.7~12mm motorized lens. The temperature measure accuracy is 0.3ºC and response time ≤30ms with 17 color control.

Which scenarios will need body temperature measure solutions in a short term?
All size business will request them indeed since taking temperature to employees, visitors or even clients will become essential to stop outbreak of the disease, in fact, many countries have already regulated officially and included as mandatory. Any business can find perfect solution in ZKTeco’s offer when looking for thermal devices as prevention tool.

Many workers use public transportation to reach their working places, services like metropolitan bus and metro, same than any other scenario involving people crowd, they need to control symptoms like body temperature under accepted threshold to avoid spread of contagion.

In all countries we need that people from our financial and public institutions are kept safe from any risk of disease to help working them hard to recover our weakened economy in these troubling times. Our solutions can help in preventing such risk.

And what about when we are finally able to normally enjoy our free time again? Gyms and sport centers will require an easy and cost -effective way of upgrading existing systems at their entrance, with the capability of body temperature screening. Our installing kit specifically designed to adapt to turnstiles allows a smooth assemble of the reader and people over temperature threshold allowed will be access denied. Not to talk about touristic places, think about Museums or historical buildings, traffic of people inside touristic places can be safely managed with our metal detectors incorporating thermal sensor identifying if people getting in is fever detected for immediate action.

Last but not least, we need to think about preserving our future and how to take best care of our future generations which will role the country soon we need to keep students at any educational centers safe and secure.

From standalone to networked solution for environments requiring more complex solutions, ZKTeco is able to offer you best possible solution to try to prevent the spread of disease.

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