a&s Adria No. 157

Coronavirus pandemic left large consequences on global economy. Many sectors have been hit, verticals, like tourism, hospitality management and transport, faced the biggest activity drop in a decade. Number of people who have been fired from their jobs is measured in tenths of millions, only in the United States more than 36 million people lost their jobs, the largest number since the Great Depression. With hundreds of thousands dead in the World, the World will also feel economic consequences of the introduced health measures and of temporary halted economic activities.
The Adriatic Region wasn’t hit that much when compared to Italy or Spain, but is also going through difficult period. Tenths of thousands of people lost their jobs, number of infected is still on the rise in North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, some health measures are still effective, the export dropped in every country and the region is on the verge of recession. In order to find out the state of the regional security industry, in May we organized an online forum, that gathered leaders from regional security chambers and security companies. The state in seven countries of our regions, introduced measures, have countries helped companies and in what way, have the projects and investments been shut down, did companies lower the prices of their services and what are the forecasts for our industry in nearby future – were some of the questions discussed in the first regional webinar organized by a&s Adria, the answers to them can be found in this issue. Generally Speaking, more than 20% of security companies claims that they haven’t been hit with this crysis and that they haven’t fired a single person.
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ISSN 1986-5
a&s Adria – professional security magazine for providing total security solutions is a monthly circulating publication and a licenced representative of Messe Frankfurt New Era Business Media for Adriatic region, which consists of following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, FYR Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia.