a&s Adria No. 164

We connect security!
Fifteen years of continuous successful work on the presentation and promotion of security branches in the region and the world, Global Security company and the editorial staff of the magazine a&s Adria will soon be crowned with new major projects. Instructed by the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the world and the security industry, where a large number of events and meetings are either canceled or held online, we decided to offer our business friends and associates another solution that we hope will be an effective tool in overcoming problems and reviving the industry.
We will use this opportunity to announce the launch of the first global online platform in the security industry called Connect2b. This unique platform intended for all professionals will be opened 24/7 all 365 days of the year, and will enable easy and fast connection, video and conference calls and sending messages among all participants in the platform. The main goal is to maximize “matchmaking” through connecting and promoting companies and individuals. Of course, it will also facilitate the organization of virtual and other fairs for the presentation of products and services, which you could already see on Security Summit Virtual Event. Each participant of the conference and exhibition will also become a user of Connect2b platform after the event, and otherwise will bring together professionals from security and protection, the Internet of Things, cyber security, mobility, ICT, automation and smart homes, etc.
Connect2b is a tool created as a result of the work and many years of experience of Global Security in the field of media and publishing, education, organization of events and consulting in the security sector and the constant desire to connect all actors within the security and related industries. The platform will offer the experimental phase of work already this year, while the official start with full functionality is scheduled for 2022. We invite you to join us in a common – networked future!
Hasiba Brankovića c, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel: +387 (0)33/788-985
Fax: +387 (0)33/788-986
Web site: www.asadria.com
Marketing: marketing@asadria.com
Subscription: pretplata@asadria.com
VAT no: 201142740001
ID no: 4201142740001
ISSN 1986-5
a&s Adria – professional security magazine for providing total security solutions is a monthly circulating publication and a licenced representative of Messe Frankfurt New Era Business Media for Adriatic region, which consists of following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, FYR Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia.