Najave II World

How to promote in a&s Adria?

It is more than fifteen years since we started to gather Adriatic region`s security  industry under one platform. Now, we can proudly say that our magazine and other media channels travels to more than 5,000 addresses. The magazine is read by professionals who work in the security department or in general have contact with the term security on professional or private base and also for company managers, who are daily exposed to increasing and varied security risks.

Here are some highlights from a&s Adria media:

15+ Years of experience

Relevant source of business information done by experienced team and with proven quality.

150+ Print issues

Security industry topics and trends every month on decision makers` desks.

10,000+ Web visits monthly

The leading online platform for security professionals in Adriatic region.

7,000+ Newsletter subscribers

Weekly updates on industry trends to the largest database of contacts in region.

150+ Interviews

In depth conversations with professionals on contemporary security subjects.

30+ Market research

Relevant and detailed analysis of security trends.

1.000+ Partners

Gained trust from global and regional industry leaders.


Want to get your brand more visible?


Contact us on +387 33 788 985 or send a message to

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