Xprotect Corporate First to Gain GDPR Certification

According to Milestone Systems, Xprotect Corporate 2019 R2 is the first major video management software product to obtain the highly sought-after Europrise (European Privacy Seal) GDPR-ready certification. With the GDPR-ready certification from the independent and recognised institute Europrise, end-users can be confident that they have the right foundation to build a GDPR compliant video surveillance installation.
The certification covers all core capabilities of Milestone Xprotect Corporate, building on the native Xprotect cyber security features. To help system integrators and end-users design, implement, and operate GDPR-compliant video management installations, Milestone Systems provides a holistic set of tools, including an extensive GDPR Privacy Guide with ready-to-use templates, as well as privacy awareness training for end-users.
“While GDPR is an EU-centric regulation, data privacy is a concern in many parts of the world, where we see similar regulations coming into force. GDPR is on par with, or in many cases tougher than these domestic regulations, so the Europrise GDPR-ready certification is of great importance to us. System integrators and end-users can rest assured that they have the right foundation on which to build GDPR-compliant solutions,” says Chief Technology Officer Bjørn Skou Eilertsen, Milestone Systems, and continues:
“With the continuous technology evolution, video management products have become very powerful, which calls for a responsible use by end-customers. In 2017, Milestone Systems leaders joined more than 150 representatives from tech companies around the world in signing the Copenhagen Letter, a declaration that calls on tech companies to use technology in a responsible, human-centred way. Enabling our customers to protect personal data captured and processed by Xprotect VMS systems is a natural extension of this commitment.”
The GDPR-ready certification covers Milestone Systems’ top range product Xprotect Corporate. The ambition is to certify the entire Xprotect VMS product range, to allow all sizes of installations to build their video management installations on a proven GDPR-ready base.