Building Automation

BIROSAFE Security safes tested according EN 1143- 1 – ECB•S Certified

DPTU “BIROSAFE” DOOEL Strumica is an engineering company founded in 2001. The company is present in the business of manufacturing, sales and mounting of security, fireproof and bank equipment (security and fireproof safes, cabinets, doors and vaults, etc.)
BIROSAFE has offices and dealers in all the Balkan countries and is present on the markets of former Yugoslav republics territories (Serbia, Monte Negro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia), Albania, Bulgaria…
BIROSAFE produces and offers different types of security equipment: safes, cabinets, deposit safes, weapon safes, cash transfer safes, vault and vault doors, security doors etc.; as well as fire proof equipment: safes, cabinets, doors etc.
Usually the products are made by standard dimensions, but there is also a possibility for tailoring the products according to client demand.

In 2009 BIROSAFE became a member of “ESSA – European Security Systems Association, Frankfurt/Main” (www.ecb-s .com).
European Certification Body (ECB) GmbH is neutral certification body according to EN 45011. It issues the ECB•S certification mark which guarantees maximum security properties, according to European standards.
The ECB•S Certified products ensure quality and offer higher level of resistance.

Ever since becoming a member, BIROSAFE has successfully passed the tests for several types of products and has gained the following EUROPEAN CERTIFICATES, issued by “ECB•S – Germany”:
– EN 1143- 1 – for security safes and strong room doors;
– EN 1522 – for bulletproof walls, doors and windows;
– EN 1627 – for burglary resistant doors.

Security safes tested according EN 1143- 1

Why safes with ECB-S certificates?

The look and certification according to the European Standard EN 1143-1 suggest security – but the differences in quality are huge. During comparison tests with ECB•S certified security products, several safes performed poorly – said from ESSA / ECB•S.
Regarding the data, presented by ESSA / ECB•S, based on truly made tests, by far not all safes marked with certificates according to the European Standard EN 1143-1 have the quality of ECB•S certified security products. In recently completed comparison tests, some safes simply failed. For example: One safe marked with resistance grade III only reached the security level of an ECB•S safe of grade I. One safe of grade V complied at best with the ECB•S resistance grade II.
The loser is the user who puts his trust in inferior certificates.
A visible sign of the ECB•S certification is the certification mark. It gives orientation and ensures maximum security for the user.
Hence, our advice to everyone who is interested in buying a new safe is to be careful with his choice and to think twice when doing comparisons. A customer should not only compare prices but he should also compare quality. EN 1143-1 ECB•S Certified Burglary Resistant Safes insure quality and security in one. Purchasing a safe, means investing in your safety – this is why one should invest wisely.
Birosafe safes are manufactured in compliance with the European standard for security EN 1143-1 and they are ECB•S Certified.
Birosafe is the only manufacturer in North Macedonia for security safes with European certificates for security, issued by ECB-S Germany. These safes are manufactured by the European standard for security EN 1143-1 and are classified in different resistance grades. The huge selection of office and home safes for safety storage of values from different character, now enables the future user to choose the appropriate safe for his needs. The company follows the trends and creates series of safes which are at the same time, aesthetic and adequate for the most modern and well-equipped banks and other institutions from different sectors.

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